The job will automatically be removed from Google for Jobs after the closing date. You can set a closing date for every job in your account.
Adding a closing date to your job
From the sidebar on the left, click on a job opening under 'Your jobs' or head to the 'Jobs' page to navigate to the job.
Click on the job you want to set a closing date for.
Click on the gear icon in the top right corner to navigate to the job settings.
From 'General', scroll down to 'Closing date' and select the date you want the job to be closed on. That's it! The closing date is now added to the code of the job post.
Note: This closing date will only show on Google and will not be added to the job post itself.
Check out other articles to learn more about optimizing your jobs for Google for Jobs, adding a location address, and adding a salary indication to your jobs for Google for Jobs.