Use to-dos to organize tasks and keep an overview of who's doing what.
Creating a to-do from a candidate profile
Click on 'Jobs' in the left-hand sidebar to navigate to the job where you want to create a to-do.
Select 'Candidates' in the menu bar at the top.
Click on a candidate to open up their profile.
Select the check-box icon in the top right corner to open up the to-dos.
Click the 'Plus'-icon next to Add a to-do or type directly in the 'Add a to-do' field.
Enter the to-do details and assign it to yourself or a colleague.
You can set a due date and add a reminder. The job and candidate have been pre-filled.
8. Click 'Create'.
You have now created a to-do that has been added to the candidate profile. When you (or your colleagues) manage to finish the task, you can check the box to complete the to-do.
Note: In a candidate profile you can also add a quick to-do by writing the task and hitting Enter. The to-do will then automatically be assigned to yourself
Creating a to-do from the To-dos page
Click on 'To-dos' in the left-hand sidebar to navigate to the to-dos page.
Click the blue 'Create to-do'-button in the top right corner.
3. Enter the to-do details and assign it to yourself or a colleague.
4. Optionally, you can set a due date, add a reminder, and link it to a job opening
5. Click 'Create' to add the to-do to your or a colleague's list.