When a candidate is in the Application stage and you have not reviewed the candidate, your colleagues' reviews will be hidden from you by default to ensure an unbiased hiring process.
You can skip the application review to see the reviews given by your colleagues by:
Reviewing the candidate yourself, if you are part of the reviewers for the application stage.
Removing yourself as a reviewer from the job.
Skipping the review manually.
Review the candidate's application yourself
Reviewers are asked to rate each application and leave a note. As a reviewer, you won't be able to see other reviews until you have submitted your own review. Follow these steps to review the candidate's application:
Via the sidebar on the left, click on a job opening under 'Your jobs' or head to the 'Jobs' page to navigate to the job you want to review candidates for.
Click 'Candidates', next to 'Apply form' at the top. When a candidate is in the review stage, the Application review sidebar will automatically open up.
Click 'Add review' in the right-hand sidebar to rate the candidate and leave a comment. To rate the candidate, hover over and select the stars by clicking, or press 1 - 5 on your keyboard.
Once you're done, press 'Submit'. You have now reviewed the candidate's application!
Remove yourself as a reviewer
Via the sidebar on the left, click on a job opening under 'Your jobs' or head to the 'Jobs' page to navigate to the specific job you want to see the application reviews from.
Click on the gear icon in the top right corner to navigate to the job settings.
Select 'Application'.
Disable the toggle behind your name.
Skip the review manually
You can manually skip the application review to see the reviews given by your colleagues by following the steps below:
Via the sidebar on the left, click on a job opening under 'Your jobs' or head to the 'Jobs' page to navigate to the job.
Select 'Candidates' in the menu bar at the top.
Click on a candidate to open up their profile.
Select 'Application' under the 'Hiring stages' section at the top of the candidate profile.
Via the right-hand sidebar, click 'Skip' to skip reviewing the candidate.
βAfter skipping the review, you will be able to see all your colleagues' reviews!