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What hiring metrics are available?
What hiring metrics are available?
Jennifer avatar
Written by Jennifer
Updated over a week ago

Our insights give a quick overview of different metrics. These are either for the selected job or for all of your jobs and the career page.

  • Active jobs: number of active jobs during the set time. We consider a job active if candidates were able to apply at some point during the timeframe

  • Job views: number of times your job posts have been viewed. Note that these are not unique page views

  • Applied: number of candidates that applied via the application form. This also includes candidates that were deleted manually or because of the privacy settings. It does not include candidates that were manually added to Homerun

  • Sourced: number of candidates that were added manually to Homerun. This also includes candidates that were deleted manually or because of the privacy settings.

  • Time to first reply: average number of days it took your team to reach out to candidates for the first time

  • Hires: number of candidates that were hired, including candidates that were sourced manually

  • Time to hire: the average time it took to hire at least one candidate from the moment the candidate applied for the job, until they were hired

  • Disqualifications: number of candidates that were disqualified

  • Events: number of events scheduled via Homerun.

Individual graphs and tables on the page dive a little deeper into these metrics.

Active jobs
List of active jobs during the time frame.

Job page views
A bar graph showing page views data from GA. It also includes days with no activity.

For both the Views and Applications, you can click Sources to see the individual sources and number of visitors and/or applicants that visited through that source.

What does (direct) mean as a source?
This is all traffic that can’t be specified or recognized by Google Analytics. This could be visitors who went directly to your page or people who click on a link in an email, a bookmark, or WhatsApp message.  Also, if tracking cookies are disabled for your career page and/or job posts, all candidates will have (Direct) as a source.

Why do I see an unknown channel in my sources?
This can happen when a visitor also visited another page within the same ‘browser session’, Google Analytics recognizes this as the original source for that visitor.

Can I connect Google Analytics to Homerun?
Yes, this article explains you how.

Note: if you have disabled Analytics cookies on the Privacy page in your Homerun account, no analytics cookies will be placed and Insights won't show data related to page views and sources.

Note: the data on the Insights page is a combination of Homerun data, and data from Google Analytics. Because of this, it takes up to 24 hours to process any changes you or a team member made, and for the latest and most recent data to show. This way we can make sure the data that is shown is validated and correct.

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