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Why did my email end up in a candidate's spam folder?
Why did my email end up in a candidate's spam folder?
Jennifer avatar
Written by Jennifer
Updated over a week ago

We understand it can be frustrating when (you suspect) your email went to the spam folder of your candidate. In this article we explain what could be causing this.

Even though we're doing everything we can to make sure the chances of emails going to spam are low, it isn't inevitable. All emails sent from Homerun match the latest requirements for the biggest spam filters, but it's ultimately the email client (Gmail, Live, Outlook, etc) that determines where an email ends up (promotion tab, spam, or another folder).

Here are some guidelines that you can follow when sending emails to candidates:

  • Try to avoid spam trigger words. Email spam filters still look at the content within your email to decide whether it goes to your candidate's spam folder

  • Nail your subject line. Email recipients can report email as spam based solely on the subject line. Try to avoid using excessive capital letters, which can indicate that you’re shouting at recipients. Also, try to leave out exclamation marks

  • If possible, check with your candidate if they are using an additional spam filter. If so, this could be causing the email to end up in the spam folder

  • Try to avoid inserting Zoom and Calendly links as much as possible

We hope these guidelines can help to write your emails. If you still have any questions about this, feel free to reach out.

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